Ricomet 2018

The fourth RICOMET conference on Social Science and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research takes place in Antwerp, Belgium 13th to 15th of June 2018.

This edition is scientifically orientated towards supporting SSH researchers to  identify good research  practices, address challenges in multidisciplinary research, review and suggest methods and build towards a common understanding of SSH research related to ionizing radiation. The conference will use discussion approach and encourage participants for a multidisciplinary dialogue.






pre-conference workshop on Public Information & Transparency in case of a radiological emergency according to the new Basic Safety Standards and Nuclear safety Directive is organised from 11th to 12th of June.

The Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium is organising the conference in cooperation with SCK•CEN, University Ljubljana, Slovenia, Belgian Radiation Protection Society BVS-ABR and the following five EC projects CONCERT, ENGAGE, CONFIDENCE, TERITORRIES, BSS public information & transparency.

The conference dinner-reception
will take place inside the
Museum Plantin and Moretus in Antwerp.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity!